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13 Tips to Improve Your Wellbeing

May 3, 2024
Olivia | Author
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Wellbeing is a hot topic around the world right now – and rightly so. Especially in recent times in the aftermath of the Coronavirus pandemic and the epicenter of the cost of living crisis, people are encouraged to seek support for their physical and mental health. Reflection on the past and the future can be a productive exercise but can also leave us feeling anxious and worried. 

 So what simple changes can we make to improve our wellbeing? It’s comforting to note that we don’t have to change every aspect of our lives to feel ‘better’ – just little things we can do when we feel like a happiness boost or a distraction is needed.

1. Get some exercise


Physical activity and regular exercise is great for your health and can boost your mood in many ways. It’s not easy for everyone to get up and go for a run – and nobody is asking you to do that! Any form of exercise is beneficial for your body as it pumps oxygen to the brain and releases hormones that make you feel happier. Adults (aged 19 – 64) are recommended to do some form of physical activity every day. NHS recommends you should “do strengthening activities that work all the major muscles (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms) on at least 2 days a week.” As well as the physical improvements you’ll see in your body over time (if that’s your aim), you’ll also notice the gratification you receive after completing your exercise. It’s no easy feat, so you deserve to feel good. Any activity is better than none. If you want to track your exercises, reach your fitness goals and learn more about your health, try out our fitness smart watches that can help keep you on track.

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2. Listen to your favourite music


It’s a well-known fact that a good music playlist can alter your mood. It’s known to boost productivity, creativity, focus and can affect our moods in many ways; like when you listen to mellow songs when you’re feeling down. We're not saying you should do that... Sometimes it’s good to put on your favourite music that you know makes you happy – and it’s up to you whether you want to dance around the room. No judgements here. If you’re interested in investing in a new speaker so you can enjoy your favourite tunes, look no further.

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3. Be creative


You don’t have to be Picasso to paint or Beyoncé to sing. It helps… but you can be creative however you like! Creating or crafting something can be calming for the mind. Where we’re not always able to express ourselves with words, a creative outlet lets us release our inner thoughts and worries in a productive way that leaves us feeling accomplished and like a weight has been lifted. Forbes touches on How Creativity Actually Improves Your Health and how it “reduces anxiety, boosts your mood, and even slows your heart rate.” Get creative with tech that keeps you in the zone.

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4. Pick up a hobby


There’s never a right time to stop learning and finding new ways to have fun. It’s become apparent that many people have felt the need to pick up a new hobby during lockdown to keep their minds occupied. Whether it’s learning a new language, painting, learning how to code or even reading more books. Surely there’s something you’ve always wanted to try out? It’s a great way to test your brain and give yourself something to feel proud about.

5. Go outside


Nature is known to improve your mood and reduce feelings of stress. And guess what – it’s free! Spending time in green spaces, surrounded by nature is a great way to take your mind off things. Whether you want to exercise outside, take your dog for a walk, do some gardening, grow your own veg or sit outside and listen to the birds, it can have a positive effect. Mind charity’s publication on the benefits nature can have on mental health also recommends bringing the outside world inside. Like making sure you have nice flowers or, if you like to draw, why not draw animals and nature? Fresh air always does us some good. We might be all about technology, but everyone deserves a little break!

6. Read a book


Reading doesn’t always feel like something we have time for these days. It takes dedication, focus, peace and quiet, which is hard to achieve. Believe us, we know. Reading a book can take our minds somewhere else and transport us to another world. It’s also known to reduce blood pressure, heart rate and reduce stress. A study, according to MFHA England, showed that reading was better at reducing stress than music, drinking a cup of tea, going for a walk or playing video games. If you like to use e-readers take a look at our popular yet affordable range below.

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7. Get a good night’s sleep


Does anyone actually get the recommended amount of sleep? Harvard Health Publishing advises us that “sleep deprivation affects your psychological state and mental health.” We know how it feels to be tired and most of us are aware that we can’t function half as well as we do after a good night’s sleep. But, like with everything, it’s easier said than done! NHS recommends that most adults need between 6 and 9 hours of sleep every night. A good tip is to make sure you don’t go on your mobile phone while you’re in bed. The light from your phone keeps you awake and takes hours of important sleep away from you. It’s also not beneficial if you have anxious thoughts and scroll through social media or news channels so late at night – most of the time, whatever you’re looking at can wait until tomorrow. Have a look at what the Fitbit Sense fitness tracker can do to benefit your sleeping pattern and even your snoring, as outlined in our review.

8. Practice mindfulness


Our last point leads nicely onto mindfulness. Mindfulness is a big buzzword and has been for some time now – but what does it mean? According to Mind charity, “Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.” That sounds good, doesn’t it? It’s not so much a technique but a state of mind. Professor Mark Williams, former director of the Oxford Mindfulness Centre, says "An important part of mindfulness is reconnecting with our bodies and the sensations they experience. This means waking up to the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of the present moment. That might be something as simple as the feel of a banister as we walk upstairs.

With insightful tools like stress management, heart rate notifications and daily readiness scores, available in Fitbit’s most advanced fitness and health tracker, you can start becoming one with your body and soul.

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9. Keep in touch with loved ones


When we were faced with a seemingly never-ending global pandemic and were told to self-isolate from loved ones, colleagues and everyone else, it was really difficult to stay 'sociable'. It’s never been more beneficial for us to communicate with those who are important to us, and technology has been our saviour in recent times. Quiz nights over video calls with friends, phone calls with family members and daily messages to loved ones. When it comes to your wellbeing, it’s important to surround yourself with people who make you feel good and lift you up. Plus, many of us just don’t like being alone. Even if it’s just a phone call, make the effort if you know it’ll raise your spirits.

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10. Eat a healthy and balanced diet


It’s a well-known fact that what we eat can affect our mood. Chemicals found in food and drinks, like caffeine, are stimulants that keep us awake and make our hearts race. That’s why many people have coffee in the morning to wake themselves up! Caffeine is also found in tea, chocolate, cola and other manufactured energy drinks. You can visit the government’s website for their recommendations on a healthy diet and ‘The Eatwell Guide’. Eating a heathy diet has its benefits for mental health and, of course, physical health too. There are many recipes out there that can keep you inspired. So why not enjoy some cooking videos hands-free, at your own pace with a smart display? And if you'd just like to better understand the areas you need to work on, like hydration or protein/fats intake, the Anker Eufy Smart Scale is the perfect choice and can be your guiding friend instead of your enemy.

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11. Be productive


Many of us are working from home after the turbulent Coronavirus pandemic. It can be difficult to feel productive at home, especially if you’re used to working in an office building. But there are ways to do it! A great laptop or PC is a great place to start. When it comes to choosing a laptop for home use, you may want something small but powerful, and easily portable so you can move it around the house easily. Laptops are a good solution if you have family and need a device you can share with everyone. It's also handy to have a laptop when you work on the go, or like to take your device with you while you're traveling. Productivity makes us feel like we’ve accomplished something, which is good for our mental health. It may feel hard to disconnect from work while working from home, but don’t forget that a work-life balance is still very important. Take regular breaks, get fresh air and take moments to gather your thoughts.

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12. Look after your mental health


Well, the fact you’re reading this article and you’ve reached point twelve out of thirteen means we’re on to something! Thanks for sticking around. It’s so important to look after your mental and physical health, even if you feel you don’t need to sometimes. We’ve touched on many ways to improve your wellbeing, but looking after yourself can mean eating well, being more active, doing activities you enjoy, being creative and taking a break. Take time to refocus your mind in a world that’s always got so much going on.

13. Set goals for yourself


Now we’ve reached the end of the article, we hope you’ve learned new ways to improve your physical and mental health and wellbeing. Setting goals for yourself is a great way to feel inspired, optimistic and excited for the future. So pick any one of these tips and set it as your goal for the year! And you may just prove to yourself that you can achieve anything you set your mind to! It’s important to take time to yourself, relax and reconnect by disconnecting – and always ask for help if you need it. There are loads of resources on-hand to help.

For extra reading around wellbeing and mental health, try the below websites:


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